Women in aquaculture

Women work in all sections of the aquaculture value chain but their opportunities have not kept pace with its growth. Download PDF In the 1970s, only 3 million tonnes of aquatic animals and plants were grown in aquaculture; today, the total production exceeds 100 million tonnes and strong growth continues. Indeed, many opportunities have contracted under Read more about Women in aquaculture[…]

Women Divers

Diving refers broadly to the act of swimming underwater. Both women and men dive to catch seafood. In a few locales, women are the main divers. On Jeju Island (Korea), diving is even considered women’s work.1 Examples of women divers around the globe are the Haenyo or “woman of the sea” of Korea,1 the women Read more about Women Divers[…]


Gleaning is a fishing method used in shallow coastal, estuarine and freshwaters waters or in habitats exposed during low tide. Other terms may be used for this type of fishing, especially “gathering” and “collecting.”1 Both women and men glean, but in many countries and regions gleaning is mostly done by women and children2,3. Gleaners walk Read more about Gleaning[…]

Glossary of terms

GLOSSARY OF GENDER IN FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE TERMS Ver.1.2 14 JULY 2012 Sex and gender ( Note this definition comes from a university medical site. Sex refers to biological differences; chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs. Gender describes the characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine. The Gender Department Read more about Glossary of terms[…]

GAF Networks and Resources

Women’s and gender groups, societies, organizations, and other collectives devoted (formally or informally) to promoting or highlighting women/gender roles, relationships and issue in aquaculture, fisheries, post harvest, and aquatic conservation. We use the term “network” to include the different types of organizations. INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS REGIONAL ORGANISATIONS NATIONAL LEVEL ORGANISATIONS REGULAR AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS